leaf n. (pl. leaves) 1.叶;〔集合词〕叶子;茶叶,烟叶。 2.花瓣。 3.(书刊等的)一张(两面)。 4.金属薄片,箔。 5.【建筑】叶饰。 6.(门等的)页扇。 7.(可折叠的)活动桌面;(办公桌等的)桌盖。 8.(飞机的)天窗。 9.(步枪的)瞄准尺;【机械工程】小轮齿。 10.〔英方〕帽边。 11.(汽车等片弹簧的)簧片。 shed leaves (树)落叶。 a rose leaf 一片玫瑰花花瓣。 come into leaf 长叶,发芽。 in leaf 生叶子的,叶茂盛的。 leaves without figs 空谈,口惠而实不至。 take a leaf out of sb.'s book 模仿某人。 the fall of the leaf 落叶时;秋天。 turn over a new leaf 翻开新的一页;革面洗心,过新生活。 vi. 1.生叶,长叶。 2.〔美国〕翻书页。 The trees are beginning to leaf out. 树木正在开始长叶。 leaf through a book 把书翻阅一遍。 vt. 翻…的书页。 adj. -ed 有叶的。 adj. -less 无叶的。 n. 〔英军俚〕休假。
Trees cover 95 percent of the park's 800 square miles, making it a leaf peeper's paradise 这座面积八百平方英里的公园有百分之九十五为林木所覆盖,使其成为赏叶人的天堂。
Another popular state for leaf peepers is massachusetts, where the mohawk trail is one of the more visited destinations 赏叶人喜欢去的另一州是麻萨诸塞州,莫霍克小径是游客较常走访的地方之一。
In order to enjoy the leaf season from start to finish, serious leaf peepers start in eastern canada and follow the changing leaves south 兴致高昂的赏叶人为了从头到尾享受这个赏叶季节,会从加拿大东部出发,随着变色的树叶一路南下。
Down the road a few miles, in the step-back-in-time village of grafton, where the nationally known 205-year-old old tavern is overflowing with leaf peepers, cheese makers are already at work at the grafton village cheese co 顺着路再几英里,就在充满古意的格拉夫顿村中,全美知名、拥有两百零五年历史的老客栈旅馆里挤满了赏叶游客,而格拉夫顿村乳酪公司的乳酪师傅早就上工了。